Sharing from my CTE FB Group Discussion…

“If you’ve used PRO ONE correctly, you have geared.

If you have used PRO ONE correctly, you have stepped.

It’s impossible to have not geared and stepped when using PRO ONE.

Gearing is visual. When using CTE you do not aim with center ball, you aim with a CB edge. By aiming with a CB edge, the aiming edges change as you seek the perfect CB edge that aims to the perfect aim point on the OB.

So, the edge you see can rotate to let a new tick become an edge. Your inside eye decides when the perfect tick is rotated into place. (It’s like taking a step to see a new round barn center. A new barn center means a new plank for each edge.)

While the perfect CB tick is rotated to be the aiming edge, an opposite action occurs on the OB. The tick that appears at the OB aim point position changes every time the CB aiming edge is rotated for a new tick to become THE edge. Your vision has the goal of seeing by rotating or gearing CB OB ticks into place for the AL and the SL.

The same visual rotation of the CCB to the OBSP takes place for establishing the perfect SL.

The above rotational gearing can occur only from PX where’s one’s vision is shifted to be away from CCB toward the cutting edge.

Once any gearing is completed it’s the resulting CB OB visual perception that is fixed and readied for stepping.

From PX from the perfect system perception, one’s vision shifts naturally to the half of the cue ball where one’s bridge V location will be finalized. By viewing that half of the CB away from the CCB SL tick……a new center is available to see. That new center is based on the outermost edge of the half cue ball that the bridge V is on. That stepped tick (the target ) is one quarter of a CB (90 ticks) away from the outermost edge. That CB center will appear as the outermost center or the innermost center that can be seen from PX.

For years no one but Hal Houle understood gearing and how to align to the one and only center for the shot solution. In fact, for over two decades no one got it. This is not hard. It’s different and odd.


It’s all available. It’s all on my TRUTH SERIES. It’s all in my book. It’s right here. It’s all in this post!”


Does A Missing Link Exist?


Learning How to Really Aim is a Choice